Basic Plan

How The Plan Works

The Basic Plan helps you organize your image files.

To use BucketLynx:

  • Create a bucket
  • Upload your files by selecting or dragging into into the bucket
  • Click on an file to get a preview along with a link to the file
  • Click on the "Create Link File" button to download an Excel file containing the links for all files in the bucket

Naming Files

Valid characters that may be used in your file names include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underlines, dashes, plus signs, open parenthesis, close parenthesis and periods.

Image Size Requirements and Recommendations

The largest uploaded file size allowed by BucketLynx is 50mb. Your file space usage includes the space required to store your original files plus a smaller 160 pixel high thumbnail copy for image files.

Uploading Files

To upload your files:

  • Select the bucket where you want to upload your files
  • Drag your files into the Drag-and-Drop box and they will be uploaded to your bucket
  • You may also select files by name
  • The drag and drop box will show "Upload Completed" when done, and then will reset to the drag-and-drop box in three second
  • New files will be displayed once the upload is completed
  • Any errors in uploading the files will be displayed at the top of the page

The files that you've uploaded by either method will be displayed when you press the "OK" button on the upload completed message box.

Try Out Bulk Upload Template Populations

BucketLynx can automate adding product image file links in eCommerce marketplace bulk upload template files. The auto-populate feature can save you time and money as it reduces the costly overhead of manually editing bulk upload templates. The Basic Plan let you try out the bulk upload population feature 10 times to learn how the feature works.

See the How eCommerce Works help page for more information on populating bulk upload template files.



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